lundi 2 mars 2015

Frustrated with the Unstable Cubase Elements 7

At the beginning,it started to change the pitch of the midi notes automatically,or briefly speaking, made it off-pitch, when using some particular vsts. That means when you're playing the midi notes, everything could suddenly transposed to +1/2 semitones.

Finally, the problem occurs in almost all of the vsts and more eternally, even in Cubase's own HALion Sonic SE. So now when I play the tracks, most of the time they're messed up, since some of the tracks went off-pitch. And the only thing that I can do is to run the Cubase again and again until its under a stable status. However, the stable status usually doesn't stay long.

The problem has been occurred for a really long time. However, it seems that there's no way for me to solve it.

Really need help on the issue, can anyone help please?


Frustrated with the Unstable Cubase Elements 7

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