jeudi 26 février 2015

will .4 decibel variance be noticeable?

I had this discussion with a Focusrite tech.. I am sort of questioning the accuracy, so I wanted to get other opinions


I have been measuring the mic levels and the input levels of the Saffire 56.

I've noticed that the levels are slightly off for each one..

I will run a test tone at -18db through all of the inputs and the

signals all return slightly different levels on the saffire

mixcontrol.. I have all the knobs turned completely lowest ..the only 2

that are similar are 3 and 4 microphone level..

all the other ones are

off as much as .4db of one another!


The gain pots will have some variance, but it should not be greater than .1-.4 dBu. A difference of .4 dbu should not be able to skew your stereo image at it is only a 4% change in amplitude. The minimum threshold for a noticeable change in volume is 12%.

I would recommend that you use your signal generator to calibrate the inputs gain so that all channels read the same in MixControl.

What do you guys think of this? When I send a kick out and back in through inputs, I can clearly hear a difference in the stereo image..

1) The levels are different in the L and R channels.. for example, something that should be -7.4 L and -7.4 R come back in as -7.6 L and -7.5 R

2) I hear a general loss of clarity, very similar to chorusing ...

will .4 decibel variance be noticeable?

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