jeudi 26 février 2015

Focusrite Forte boosted highs?

So I've been using a Focusrite Forte for a few months now. I really like the clarity, but what I'm starting to notice is a really bright top end, almost like there's been a hefty boost at 6k and 12K. It makes everything tracked through it sound airy and boosted. Comparing back to some songs I did with a Mackie Blackjack, I prefer the tone of that interface because it's darker sounding and doesn't reveal such an extreme amount of excruciating detail. Sort of the difference between a nice dynamic mic and a bright condenser. It's sort of like the Forte makes everything sound extremely digital, where the Blackjack hides some details and the tracks come out more flattering because of that. Is my thinking off on this? Surely more detail should be desired?

Focusrite Forte boosted highs?

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