mercredi 25 février 2015

Which Dorrough Meters for a digital studio?

Hi all-- need some advice on hardware metering.

I'm buying a stereo Dorrough meter to check the output of my stem mixer before going back into a Cranesong to capture my mix.

here are the four options:

280A - 14dB headroom

280C- 20dB headroom

280AE - 14 dB headroom extended range

280CE- 20 dB headroom extended range


I'm leaning towards the EXTENDED RANGE versions, since I like hitting the CraneSong a little hard (I know, I know, why would you do that :) but I'm not sure which headroom level would be best considering that my output should be getting near 0dBfs.

Thoughts? Feelings? Anyone?

Which Dorrough Meters for a digital studio?

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