dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Buying a new MIDI keyboard - which one should I get?

(I am sorry if th is is in the wrong section)

Hello gearslutz users.

I am not really new to this forum although today is my registration date. I have simply not felt the need to register until now :)

My job is composing music for film, TV and games and commercials. I actually run my own company and I simply love what I do!

I have quite extensive and expensive gear considering it being just a home-studio. But I still like to keep it simple, and I have not really seen the need to buy the most expensive of every gear I have.

So here's my issue.

First off, my DAW is FL Studio (I know it's very controversial for the film scoring platform, but I have used it for AGES and I guess you know what a pain it is to learn something new..). I have done my research well enough to know that this means complications in terms of controlability with the MIDI keyboard. For instance, I have heard that automap and programs like it won't work like it's supposed to with FL studio.

I am currently doing all my orchestral and piano scores on a full SL-880 MIDI. I am super-happy with this product and wouldn't change it for anything in the world, however as commercials for TV demand alot of EDM styled music I feel that I want a smaller MIDI keyboard that simplifies the process of getting my ideas onto the DAW as fast as possible and focus on the tweaking afterwards.

I have googled alot on this matter and come up with three MIDI keyboards of which I am going to buy one, and here's where I need the advice:

The Alesis VI49 (very cheap - why is that? Unlike the others, it doesn't come with many softwares but I really have all I need when it comes down to that. Will I be satisfied with this one despite the price?)

Alesis VI49 - Thomann Sverige

The Akai MPK 249

Akai MPK 249 - Thomann Sverige

The Novation Remote 49 (this is the one I like the least because of the lack of drum pads, but I am in love with the slim design)

Novation Remote 49 Sl MKII - Thomann Sverige

I guess you can see the pattern that I am going for with 49 keys. That's all I have decided so far, price don't matter too much.

I have read all the details on all these products and still can't make up my mind.... Help please!

Buying a new MIDI keyboard - which one should I get?

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