dimanche 2 novembre 2014

PSI A17-M vs Amphion One18

Hi there :)

Having some difficulties/dilemma in choosing between these two monitors PSI A17-M and Amphion One18.

I believe the PSI a17 has a built in amp and the Amphion one18 needs an amp.

PSI a17 going for $1600

Amphion One18 going for $1500 + needs an amp.

Can anyone shed some light which could be recommend for studio monitoring as well as mixing/mastering and is sonically accurate/overall better in frequency details. At first I was ready to get the PSI a17 but later heard about the Amphion One15/One18 which is very good compared to the PSI a17/a21. This got me back to square one and rethinking/brainstorming again.

If the Amphion One18/one15 is an ideal choice what amp would be recommended for it when using it for monitoring/mixing/mastering?

I'm mainly into edm/electronic/pop/hip hop.

Has anyone experienced both of these monitors and final conclusion favors only in personal taste or actually one of these two monitors is really better than the other? I'm sick and tired seeing the typical major monitor brands and highly doubt PSI/Amphion would be around for testing/demoing.

Any answers would be appreciated, Thanks!

PSI A17-M vs Amphion One18

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